Delicious food will be available for purchase from Puras Papas during the event

Math 24 @ EUSD


April 24, 2025

La Costa Heights Elementary

Support the Math 24 Tournament!
Become a Sponsor & Help Foster Young Minds

The Math 24 Tournament is an exciting event that brings together students from all 9 EUSD schools to challenge their math skills in a fast-paced, competitive environment. By supporting this event, you are helping inspire the next generation of critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and leaders.

Why Sponsor?

  • Showcase your company’s commitment to education and community involvement.

  • Gain visibility among a group of dedicated parents, educators, and students.

  • Help provide materials, prizes, and other essentials that make this event a success.

  • Become a Math 25 Sponsor

    Event Sponsor ($300)

    • Business name included in event promotions, including emails and social media

    • Recognition in event announcements

    • Opportunity to provide marketing materials for distribution at the event

    Other Ways to Support:
    We also welcome in-kind donations such as prizes and gift cards, to recognize these hardworking studentst.

Event Date: April 24, 2025
Location: La Costa Heights Elementary

For more information or to become a sponsor, please contact:
Val Wallace aat


Title Sponsors

Community Partners

Event Sponsors



Math 24 is a fast-paced mathematics program which builds strong mental mathematics and problem-solving skills. The objective of the game is to make the number 24 from the four numbers on a playing card..

You can add, subtract, multiply and divide. Use all four numbers on the card, but use each number only once. You do not have to use all four operations.

Math 24 expands strategic thinking and adaptive reasoning abilities, laying the groundwork for higher-order math skills. Becoming fluent with basic math facts gives students confidence in their problem solving abilities, creating successful, life-long learners.